Friday, 17 February 2017

What gets me excited about creativity

If you have ever considered working with me, or just want to find out a little bit about how I work and what makes me tick, here's some stuff you might be interested in.

Personal qualities: I'm driven by an endless thirst for knowledge centred around how and why humans communicate and interact with one another. I love to wonder in the thoughts of other people and consider how they see and feel the world. I'm passionate about how I project these discoveries through my brand communication work.

It follows that I have a humanistic approach to business. I'm creative and poses strong design skills with the ability to finely craft communication and provide considered, purposeful direction. I thrive on solving visual and written brand communication problems; this is where I'm most happy, where I lose track of time and ultimately feel at my most connected to the universe. For me personally, communicating stats is okay, but I'm most inspired when seeking revelations in human behaviour and bringing light to this through my branding work.

Current position: I am the sole director of Sensation Creative, a branding agency in Peterborough. My work has helped many SME's, and includes creating several award winning businesses from scratch. I'm happy working in this situation as I'm able satisfy my thirst for knowledge, whilst earning enough to get by.

Interests: I have a strong work/life integration philosophy. I enjoy reading about branding, neuroscience/marketing, psychology and anthropology (including digital), meditating on this and integrating it into my branding work. I also enjoy cooking, food, socialising and enjoying life.

Standard stuff: I'm a strong team player and also an equally strong individual, capable of working alone, whilst remaining dedicated to the task in hand. I have a warm, optimistic, can do approach to my work, an enjoy working with, and inspiring similarly minded people. I have expert Illustrator and Photoshop skills and good command over other apps in the Adobe Creative Suite including: In design, Premier and After Effects.


Thinking about hiring some creativity?

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