Tuesday, 11 February 2014

A couple of ideas from Saatchi & Saatchi worldwide CEO Kevin Roberts.

I was at Saatchi & Saatchi London yesterday listening to a masterclass from their worldwide CEO Kevin Roberts. This is the man responsible for reviving Saatchi & Saatchi as a global company which employs over 6000 creative people. He also created Lovemarks which Saatchi & Saatchi call their ‘billion dollar idea’. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

I've studied Kevin’s work intensively for a few years now and I have learned a great deal. Here are three points that bought new focus to key areas from yesterday’s speech which I have elaborated on in my own words.

REVELATION not insight. Insights are past tense, they’re old news. In the age of now we need to inspire movements not tell people what they already know – that’s boring. Empathy is key so dig deeper and visualise what it’s like to be in the consumers shoes. From here you’ll be able to gain a better understanding of where the future points.

LOVES not likes. Liking something isn't the same as loving something – your time could be better spent elsewhere. As Kevin Roberts reminds us - ‘You don’t marry someone you like, you marry someone you love’. Here’s a brand example: You decide to make a new phone purchase. You might like a Nokia phone – they’re okay, but you LOVE the iPhone! Which one do you want to take home – the one you like or the one you love?

STORY SHARERS not story tellers. Create and provide stories that inspire people in to action. Don’t try to force them in to taking part in something they don’t want to – this will lose you respect in the long run (and even short). No respect – no love, bad news for brands and people. Always inspire – if you can’t do this yet start finding ways in which you can.

Remember, no one wants to be branded as a consumer. Of course we’re all consumers but we want more, we all want to feel special – like we’re getting something that’s tailored just for us. It reminds us that we’re human, that we’re loved and not just cash machines for brands (which I'm sure some fools like to think). Doing this helps to create loyalty not for a reason, but loyalty beyond reason where you’ll win in the hearts and minds of the consumer, AKA real people that love lots of things.

Be the one to reveal stuff that people love. In turn they’ll share your stories and you’ll be a success in ‘the age of now’.


Special thanks to the kind Editor of Lovemarks Sarah Tan who made it possible for me to attend the event.

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