In a world that seems focused on 'big data's' explanation of what we like, sometimes its easy to forget the human nature of things - just like touch.
Touch is like your brain operating outside your head; interacting with the world around you to provide an array of information through physical connection. If you can clarify product information that is presented via visual or spoken communication through the use of touch, you can vastly enhance interactive experience. For brands looking to connect with greater purpose this isn't to be missed.
Touch offers the chance to confirm visual information - we know this. It's well documented that once a product is picked up, the likelihood that a purchase follows increases dramatically. When our senses align we take delight (or disgust) in this as it provides information on which we can make rational decisions and it's this information that can provide the type of clarification required to make a purchase decision.
Use of haptic focused marketing can increase our need for touch. Primarily we can achieve this though empathetic consideration and apply it to the creative process. We can use visual stimuli to enable this such as relevant design; shapes, images and text. If we can create synergy here we can also create greater purpose in the consumer for wanting to find out more information which very often leads to touch.
Emotionally connecting, touch provides an opportunity to empower the consumer by streamlining the rational decision making process, effectively simplifying choice and making life easier.
Applying heptic marketing techniques can provide brands with an opportunity to enhance consumer brand experience and build relationships simply through connecting physically, bringing real life experience and meaning to visual communications. In turn, this can help to create greater respect, deeper emotional connectivity and higher consumer love for products. Seizing this opportunity then is clearly a no-brainer for brands.
The trick is of course, understanding the effect of haptic attributes and how to integrate them within different media to create relevant consumer brand experiences. Ultimately, full integration with our other senses would create the perfect holistic and humanistic brand experience.
The difficulty is that the more senses we look at incorporating with any creative process the more complex everything becomes. This makes the task of providing the simple, memorable solution that brands desire all the more difficult. If it is to be successful in business terms, haptic marketing must work in real life situations and engage with consumers in the long run in addition to the shorter term where fads usually operate.
Scientific research in to this type of marketing is in its infancy so we are currently presented with a brilliant opportunity to work with our own intuition and to my way of thinking that makes it all the more exciting.
What a fantastic time it is to be in the creative industry and made all the better with just a little of that human touch.
Simon Bell,
Director, Sensation Creative.